TONIGHT: Blue Moon - Magic is on the loose!

predictions for this amazing night for ALL Zodiac Signs

Once in a Blue Moon - Pisces August 30/31st – How to ride the Mystical tides and Manifest your Wildest Dreams.

Our cosmic fish swim in on a Blue Moon waxing full on Thursday 31st August at 2.35am BST. Higher tides, seismic shifts and accelerated psychic static guaranteed. At seven degrees Pisces it super powers the mystical and the magical. It’s sympathetic and kind, but produces a sense of discomfort about what you can truly trust? This is a private, sensitive, intimate tete a tete with your Soul. Are you paying attention? Do you know what your Soul’s aching to tell you? Are you following your sixth sense? Listening to your dreams, hunches, inner knowing’s?

Once in a Blue Moon - Pisces August 30/31st

This mystical Blue Moon brings a touch of magic. Dive deep and let intuition be your guide. The cosmic hotline has mystical messages awaiting, if you're willing to take the plunge into your inner wisdom lakes.

Pisces helps us tap into our boundless imagination, channels our intuition and connects us to the spiritual realms. During this particular lunar rarity, our magical mindset will be lit up. Visions, dreams, and mystical messages are there for the noticing. Break out the tarot cards or try automatic writing. Sleep may be dream-filled and vivid. Write down messages received during meditation or creative work. Magic is swirling, and the signs are neon.

The compassionate fish will turbo charge our empathy allowing for deep healing to occur. Pisces rules forgiveness, so lingering grudges will feel particularly heavy. Let them go and channel that energy into philanthropic pursuits that make a difference. We'll feel best when helping others but not to the point of ignoring our own needs. Balance is always key.

The cosmic fish swims the Blue Moon waters

With changeable Pisces influencing this moon, emotions will be as fluid as water. If you've been swimming against the current, this lunar event provides a chance to stop fighting and go with the flow. Release control and see where the cosmic tides take you.

Pisces rules our feet. Take this Blue Moon as a reminder to ground yourself. Spend time barefoot on the earth, do yoga poses to strengthen your foundation, or visualize roots growing from your toes. Staying grounded will allow you to paradoxically fly higher and help when Pisces turbulent waters get rough.

The turbulence comes with the fact that structured Saturn is retrograde in Pisces' oceanic seas. Saturn's current backspin in this fantasy-filled sign will make realities feel fluid and spark contemplation about life's impermanence.

Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs

Overviewing the Blue Moon in Pisces:

So, overall, this is a somewhat challenging, but not too much so, Full Moon and waning Moon period. Still, the beneficial influences are more than the stressful ones. Therefore, a mostly beneficial fortnight. Moreover, the 6th and the 11th of the month, there will be practically only one long-lasting stressful aspect affecting us. Thus, that period will feel much better and much easier.

Neptune is quite stressed, but not as strongly as until recently. The same is true for Saturn, until the 5th , when the stress on it stops. Finally, Pluto is quite charged – thankfully, in a positive way. Therefore, our mood and our emotional condition need some support. But even given these facts, things should feel better than until the Full Moon.

Blue Moon Predictions for Aries:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the fortnight. Moreover, one of the is the ruler of your zodiac. At the same time, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this fortnight although it won’t be really difficult, it won’t be a really easy one, either… Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Taurus:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. This planet, though, is the ruler of your zodiac and, on top of that, until the 4th it will be Retrograde. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment and two planets in your zodiac, receiving both stressful and supportive influences, but mostly supportive ones… Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Gemini:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the fortnight. Amongst them, the ruler of your zodiac. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this can be a challenging fortnight for you, although not a bad one… Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Cancer:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are six planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this fortnight can be quite significant and mostly beneficial one, for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive enough stress and need a better care and your support…Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Leo:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment, and one in your zodiac. So, this can be a challenging fortnight for you, but it should be a relatively good one. Work, career, business and financial matters receive the main focus of the planetary energies, for good and ill, but mostly for good…Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Virgo:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment and two planets in your zodiac. Amongst the latter ones, the ruler of your zodiac, too….Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Libra:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Super Blue Moon, and throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there is also one planet in a beneficial alignment with your zodiac, and another one in your zodiac. Moreover, the one in a beneficial alignment is the ruler of your zodiac and it forms a hexagon with Mars in your zodiac…Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this might not be a completely stress-free fortnight, but it is a mostly beneficial and good one. Work, career and business matters receive some stress… Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

There are four planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. Therefore, this fortnight can be quite stressful, but, in most cases, not a bad one…Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the waning Moon fortnight. At the same time, there are six planes in a beneficial alignment and one planet in your zodiac, which forms mostly beneficial aspects. Therefore, this fortnight can be a quite promising and mostly good one for you. Your mood and your emotional condition receive some stress and need a better care…Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Blue Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there is one planet in a beneficial alignment. This might not be a favourable ratio, but, compared to the previous fortnights, it’s a much more favourable one. Therefore, things are getting better and feel better…Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.

Blue Moon Predictions for Pisces:

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Blue Moon and throughout the fortnight. At the same time, there are three planes in a beneficial alignment and two planets in your zodiac. Moreover, after the 6th of September the direct stress on your zodiac less in amount and intensity. Therefore, this is not a stress-free fortnight for you, but a mostly beneficial one….Complete Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs for this Blue Moon. Click Here.