Tonight: Equinox. Magic is Unleashed

this is the Witch's Thanksgiving - what Magic we do tonight, the history and the legends

It is again this time of the year when the Sun enters Libra, where the realm of Water is celebrating and the Magic of the Autumn Equinox begins.

Autumn Equinox and the Harvest

Traditionally the Autumn Equinox (also known as Mabon - click here to read more about the Reign of Water) was a celebration of the harvest which has been completed and the preservation of food started to taking place as the winter slowly approaches and Mother Earth begins to regenerate.

The Witch Herbal for Mabon - Autumn Equinox

Grains of the last harvest were traditionally used in Mabon, baked in honey cakes and other treats in order to honor the Spirits of Nature and the Gods for providing and nourishing all living things. Seasonal fruits like apples that have been recently harvested were also used as offerings and blessings were sent to Mother Earth for her provisions.

There is always more…in our abundant Universe…more to learn, to achieve, to see, to be, to experience.  With so much MORE always snapping at our heels it is important to take time to appreciate the journey we have already travelled, the milestones we have already achieved.  To pause and reflect on how far we have come. Welcome to our beloved Equinox Ritual from Davina. Find more about Mabon and his powerful Day here!

Equinox Ritual: Honour your personal harvest.

Take your journal on a nature date.  Find your favourite outdoor spot, in your garden, the local park, or nearby forest.  Make yourself comfortable and spend some time getting relaxed and dropping into just being where you are.  To do this bring your awareness to the dovetail point just at the apex of your ribcage where it attaches to the diaphragm and breathe in and out with your focus here.  Become aware of your senses, what can you feel, hear, see and notice.  No judgment or expectation just allowing all to be exactly as it is. Read more in Link below…

Goddess Persephone

The essence of the Autumnal Equinox and our human understanding of it is represented in the mythos and stories that our ancestors have weaved. One of these stories is the myth of Persephone. The beloved daughter of the Greek Earth Goddess Demeter and her descend into Hades, the world of the dead. The Autumnal Equinox is the Day when Persephone kisses goodbye to her Divine Mother. Demeter, the Greek representation of Mother Nature, and departs towards her husband, Hades, the King of the Underworld. Demeter, devastated once again by the absence of her wonderful daughter, directs Nature to the cold and lifeless Winter. Why? She is waiting for the Return of Persephone to Revive the Nature’s forces. Till then rest and nurture is obligatory. To understand deeper the Nature of the Equinox we have first to explain the Solar’s Circle Quarter Festivals (the Solstices and the Equinoxes). All are linked with the four Elements, the four major directions of the Compass and the 4 major Times of the Day. The Sunrise, the Noon, the Sunset and the Night.

Balance of Day and Light

The Autumn Equinox is linked with West and the Sunset, the time that the Darkness is rising, the time when the Sun sets ending (temporarily) his Dominion over the World. At the same time we all get moody, we take our boyfriend/girlfriend to watch the Sunset, it’s the time we feel Love all over, we sense nostalgic and romantic emotions filling our souls. That’s exactly the time when the Element of Water connects us all. Circulating the energy of global Love and divine Regeneration. The Water - and so the Autumnal Equinox (the West and the Sunset) - is powerfully linked with the Circles of the Moon. No other Element has such a strong connection with the Great Lady of the Night. Moon’s circles affect to a greater extent all those with horoscopes and natal charts filled with Planets in Watery signs. For example (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and houses (the 4th, 8th and 12th houses in Astrology assigned to the water signs). Create your for free by clicking here!