TONIGHT: Super Full Moon of Awakenings and new Beginnings

Navigating the Tides of Change – Decoding the Full Super Moon in Aries September 29th

Welcome to the Super Full Moon of Awakenings and new Beginnings

A full Super Moon in independent Aries arrives on September 29th at 10.57am BST, carrying the energies of fierce self-expression and bold new beginnings. This headline grabbing lunation will illuminate themes of injustice, coercion and control. Landing in the same house currently occupied by retrograde Chiron, our wounded healer, it also highlights our human vulnerabilities. Full Super Moon in Aries predictions!

With the recent Libran equinox requesting balance, and the Nodes of collective destiny currently retrograde on the same Aries/Libra axis as this new lunar cycle the ‘me’ versus ‘we’ clash will require a master class in diplomacy. Whatever you’re advocating for, lean in. This moon insists on courageous calls to action.

Our warrior moon arrives against a backdrop of all outer planets currently retrograde. Marking a collective pause point to reflect on bigger global issues of human government and planetary survival. Cooperation, justice, and finding balance between self-assertion and harmony with others will be key to navigating some undoubtedly turbulent weeks ahead.

It is the fourth consecutive Supermoon, where the Moon orbits closer to Earth than usual. Increasing both emotional and seismic intensity amplifying tides, weather patterns, pressure on tectonic plates and volcanic activity. Meanwhile, Pluto, power planet of transformation, is applying pressure to the Aries-Libra axis, demanding evolution in relationships and social structures.

Pluto forces deep transformation around issues of power and oppression via revolutions if necessary. The question facing us all is: Are we choosing to empower our sovereign selves or descend into despairing victimhood? Choose wisely. This cosmic turning point holds the potential to launch us down a radically different future path.

Fresh beginnings arrive with this lunation as the Moon and Sun stand opposed. Aries initiates what is ready to sprout, while the Moon asks us to assess this emotionally and consider what wants to manifest for the longer term. Notice what gets illuminated under this Full Moon's light. Listen to those inner nudges marking the start of a brand-new creative cycle, tapping into higher purpose and core energy.


Channel your inner child

The Moon in impatient Aries may tempt us to rush into decisions without consideration of consequences. But wisdom advises going slowly, even when urgency looms. Clarify your authentic desires before reacting. Consult your higher self for guidance. Channel the childlike Arian enthusiasm to pursue renewed passions with positivity once you gain clarity. Meanwhile, Mars in compromising Libra will help balance self-interests with awareness of others if conflict arises.

The Sun in diplomatic Libra connecting fluidly to penetrating Pluto enables digging beneath surface appearances to reveal truth. This grants magnetism and a steel will to transform stagnation. But beware of stubbornness and manipulation in dealings. Use the power of the trine responsibly. Be wise in what you initiate.

Predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs

Overall, this is a mostly good, but more challenging Full Moon and waning Moon period than the previous fortnight. The energies of the Ecliptic Period can make things even more challenging. Especially so after the 6th of October. Pluto, Saturn and Mars receive enough stress. Therefore, our emotional condition needs some support. Nonetheless, Saturn and Mars receive more support than stress. Moreover, they support each other in a very harmonious and beneficial way.

Magic is very strong during the fortnight, and so is mediation. Healing and wish fulfilling receive an extra boosting. This is a waning Moon fortnight, so wish fulfilling spells might not be too appropriate, but mediation and visualisation for such purposes can produce very good results.


Aries: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become four, from the 5th until the 12th . Then, again three. At the same time there is one planet in a beneficial alignment, until the 9th of October, but none after then.…Continue reading the Predictions here!

Taurus: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. There will be none, from the 9th of October and until the 12th , and, then, there will be one, again. At the same time, there are four planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become three, on the 5th .…Continue reading the Predictions here!

Gemini: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become two, on the 5th , and then, again, three, on the 9th of October. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. Continue reading the Predictions here!

Cancer: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become four from the 5th and until the 12th . Then, again, three. At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment. Continue reading the Predictions here!

Leo: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become three, on the 12th . At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become three, on the 5th , and then again two, on the 12th .Continue reading the Predictions here!

Virgo: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, and throughout the waning fortnight. At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become four, on the 12th . A significant change that is happening is that the ruler of your zodiac… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Libra: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

Libra is quite strong, and, during this fortnight, it will reach a peak of three planets in its zodiac, from the 5th and until the 12th . Moreover, on the day of this Full Moon, and throughout the waning Moon fortnight, there is only one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac.… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Scorpio: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

Jupiter walking backwards in Taurus brings a focus on relationships and partnerships for Scorpios. It is a time to reevaluate commitments and seek balance in personal and professional unions… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Sagittarius: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon, but only two will remain from the 9th onwards. At the same time, there are four planets in a beneficial alignment… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Capricorn: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There are two planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become three, on the 5th of October, and, then, two, again, on the 12th . At the same time, there are five planets in a beneficial alignment.… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Aquarius: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

There are three planets in a stressful alignment with your zodiac, on the day of this Full Moon. They’ll become two, on the 9th of October, and then, again, three, on the 12th . At the same time, there are two planets in a beneficial alignment. They’ll become three, on the 5th of October, and then, again… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Pisces: Predictions for the Super Full Moon of Changes

DThere is one planet in a stressful alignment with your zodiac on the day of this Full Moon and until the 5th , and then, from the 9th onwards. Meanwhile, there is none from the 5th until the 9th . At the same time, there are three planets in a beneficial alignment… Continue reading the Predictions here!