Tonight: Jupiter Retrograde brings a Gift to all Zodiacs

a very karmic day and night is upon us

Tonight: Venus turns direct and Jupiter Retrograde: September 3/4 - December 31, 2023

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus: Growth can wait. Spiritually, the retrograde Jupiter asks us to look inside and develop our skills. It asks us to purify our souls and learn ourselves better. And, of course, to strengthen ourselves. Once again, not by acquiring more abilities, but by perfecting our existing ones. Have you had some abilities you think you don’t posses any more?

If you want to awake these abilities once again, the retrograde Jupiter can help you with it. Age reversing magical techniques and non magical ones are also supported by the retrograde Jupiter. And in fact, this will become even more powerful as Saturn is retrograde too.

What is Jupiter retrograde?

When Jupiter turns retrograde is when Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and abundance, appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. Although it is simply an optical illusion caused by differences in the planets' orbits, it is believed to have a profound impact on our lives, especially in the realm of luck, spirituality, and personal development.

Backspinning Jupiter in Taurus presents an opportunity for self-reflection, growth, and transformation for all zodiac signs. By understanding the unique predictions for each sign, individuals can navigate this period with awareness and make the most of the energies at play.

Effects of this particular Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

During this phase of Jupiter in Taurus, the energy of expansion and growth meets the stability and practicality of the earth sign. This cosmic alignment signifies a time of reassessment, reflection, and challenges in areas related to wealth, relationships, and personal growth for all zodiac signs.

Aries: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

As Jupiter retrogrades in Taurus, Aries individuals may find themselves reflecting on their value system and financial matters. Although a good opportunity may (re)appear which reminds you alot of a lost veeeery similar one …Continue reading the Predictions here!

Taurus: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

For Taureans, this retrograde period brings opportunities for deep self-discovery and transformation. You are building a new YOU!Continue reading the Predictions here!

Gemini: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

During Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, Geminis may experience introspection and soul-searching. As Jupiter is a great teacher, you may notice that magical abilities re-appear to you… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Cancer: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

Cancerians may find themselves drawn towards deeper self-reflection and emotional healing during this retrograde. It is a time for exploring self-care practices, nurturing relationships… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Leo: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

Jupiter backspinning in Taurus brings introspection and self-reflection for Leos. It is a period for reevaluating personal beliefs, values, and goals.Continue reading the Predictions here!

Virgo: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

Virgos may experience a period of introspection and reflection on matters of spirituality and personal growth during this retrograde. A new skill may be acquired or to be more exact … Continue reading the Predictions here!

Libra: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

During this retrograde, Libras are likely to experience introspection and transformation in their personal and intimate relationships. It is a time for letting go of old patterns… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Scorpio: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

Jupiter walking backwards in Taurus brings a focus on relationships and partnerships for Scorpios. It is a time to reevaluate commitments and seek balance in personal and professional unions… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Sagittarius: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

Sagittarians may find this retrograde period urging them to focus on self-improvement and bettering their physical condition and healing. Also, it is a time for exploring educational opportunities… Continue reading the Predictions here!

Capricorn: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus brings a period of introspection and reflection on satisfaction, personal life and emotional well-being for Capricorns. But this also hints that a great gift of pleasure awaits!Continue reading the Predictions here!

Aquarius: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

Aquarians may experience a period of reevaluation and self-reflection during this retrograde. It is a time for exploring ways to make life easier at home. There, at home, a blessing awaitsContinue reading the Predictions here!

Pisces: Predictions during Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

During Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, Pisceans may find themselves focusing on communication and self-expression. Now inspiration is ignited!Continue reading the Predictions here!