New Moon in Pisces: March 10 2024 - The Gate of Eclipses open!

6 Zodiac Signs are Challenged - 2 Zodiac Signs are favored!

Bathing in the mysterious shadow of the New Moon on Sunday, March 10, 2024, veiled at 20°16′ Pisces, whispers of intrigue and ancient wisdom swirl through the cosmic winds. The cloak of darkness shrouding this enigmatic New Moon conceals more than just celestial secrets. It beckons us to delve into the depths of our souls, for it is said that during these divine moments, the universe aligns to grant us the power of rebirth and the opportunity to materialize our desires.

Overviewing the New Moon in Pisces.

This particular New Moon emerges at the edge of the Solar Circle, a mystical convergence point where the echoes of the past 12 lunar cycles coalesce into a symphony of forgotten dreams and untold truths. But that's just not only the beginning. It opens the Gate of Eclipses. So from Sunday, the energy of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse is going to bring intense and karmic events. Everything is possible!

Aspects of the New Moon in Pisces

Despite Neptune's distant presence, casting a faint shadow upon this celestial event, Mars and Uranus dance provocatively with their harmonious whispers tinged with a lurking tension waiting to challenge the very fabric of our existence. In simple words, this new Moon is going to finalize the powerful aspects of the previous year AND open the Gate of Eclipses where ANYTHING is possible.

  • TIP: No powerful fixed stars dare venture close enough to witness this cosmic ballet, leaving us to navigate the mysteries of this New Moon unaided by their guiding light.

Who is favored and who is not? (Let's start with who receives most energy)

This is a New Moon in Pisces and this sign will receive rather ambiguous energies but is certainly in the epicenter of the cosmic attention. Receiving both harmonious and harsh energies, Pisces will find themselves in the middle of a cosmic storm but somehow they are also protected! In other words, others may trouble you, but you can manage your way.

Favored Signs: Cancer and Pisces receive the most of the New Moon's blessings. Also Taurus receives good luck and (good) unexpected turn of events!

Challenged Signs: Aries will feel their emotional world like a battlefield. Yet this is just an awakening. Mark my words, for amazing - some challenging some great - things are coming your way. Gemini and Virgo are the ones who receive the most stress. Sagittarius is also receiving challenges yet the new position of Mercury protects them! 

Do you have planets in the Zodiac Signs above?


During this New Moon in Pisces, Aries will feel a strong surge of intuitive and imaginative energy as it falls in their twelfth solar house. This period encourages Aries to pay attention to their inner thoughts, dreams, and subconscious patterns… 👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign


For Taurus, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their eleventh solar house, highlighting themes of friendships, social connections, and aspirations. This period encourages Taurus to focus on their goals and dreams, especially those related to social groups or community involvement… 👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign 


For Gemini, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their tenth solar house, highlighting themes of career, reputation, and public image. This period encourages Gemini to focus on their professional goals and ambitions, as well as their role within the larger community… 👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign 


For Cancer, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their ninth solar house, highlighting themes of higher learning, travel, spirituality, and personal growth. This period encourages Cancer to expand their horizons, both mentally and physically, as they explore new perspectives and seek out opportunities for self-discovery… 👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign 


For Leo, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their eighth solar house, highlighting themes of transformation, intimacy, shared resources, and inner growth. This period encourages Leo to delve deep into their emotional depths, exploring their fears, desires, and vulnerabilities in order to facilitate personal evolution… 👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign 


For Virgo, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their seventh solar house, highlighting themes of partnerships, relationships, and collaboration. This period encourages Virgo to focus on their one-on-one connections, both personal and professional, and to assess the dynamics within these relationships… 👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign 


For Libra, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their sixth solar house, highlighting themes of health, work, routines, and service to others. This period encourages Libra to focus on their well-being, both physically and mentally, and to make positive changes in their daily habits and routines. ..👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign


For Scorpio, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their fifth solar house, highlighting themes of creativity, self-expression, romance, and pleasure. This period encourages Scorpio to embrace their passions, pursue their artistic talents, and engage in activities that bring joy and inspiration…👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign 


For Sagittarius, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their fourth solar house, highlighting themes of home, family, roots, and emotional security. This period encourages Sagittarius to focus on their inner world, nurturing their personal connections and creating a sense of stability and comfort in their living space. The conjunction with Neptune in Pisces enhances Sagittarius's intuition and …👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign


For Capricorn, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their third solar house, highlighting themes of communication, learning, short-distance travel, and intellectual pursuits. This period encourages Capricorn to focus on expanding their knowledge, expressing their ideas effectively, and connecting with others through clear and meaningful communication. …👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign


For Aquarius, the New Moon in Pisces falls in their second solar house, highlighting themes of finances, values, self-worth, and material possessions. This period encourages Aquarius to focus on their relationship with money, how they view their own worth, and the things they value in life. The conjunction with Neptune in Pisces enhances Aquarius's intuition and …👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign


For Pisces, the New Moon in their own sign of Pisces is a powerful and transformative time that highlights themes of self-discovery, new beginnings, intuition, and spiritual growth. This period encourages Pisces to connect with their innermost feelings, dreams, and desires, allowing them to tap into their intuition and explore their emotional depths. … 👉 Click here (x) to read the complete predictions for your Zodiac Sign

Also check Davina’s Predictions - Click link below!