TONIGHT: New Moon in Virgo: September 2-3 2024, gate of Eclipses Open

4 Zodiac Signs should be careful - 5 get much luckier

When the Sun and Moon come together in a conjunction, it signifies the completion of one phase and the beginning of a new 28-day cycle. This celestial alignment ushers in a wave of renewed energy and inspiration, encouraging initiative and forward momentum. For this time, New Moon occurs in Virgo, the alchemist of the Zodiac Circle, creating and crafting a new beginning in our everyday life, our health and our approach towards our bodies and feel-good moments.  Additionally, it brings about a harmonious blend of emotions, maintaining a sense of balance between heartfelt sensitivity and logical perspective. Also, with this New Moon, the portal of Eclipses open. The next Full Moon is going to be an eclipse!

New Moon in Virgo for Witches

The New Moon in Virgo is a powerful time for witches to focus on purifying energy, organization, and setting intentions related to health, wellness, and productivity. But also Virgo energy is all about purification and refining the energies around. Use this time to cleanse your sacred space. Although tools can be useful like salt and holy water, intention is needed and focus. Ask yourself:

  • Which energy doesn't feel right?

  • Does my heart feel ok with everything around? My home? What about my relationships? Or more importantly my self?

If you 'detect' any blocks, meditate on them and shed light and energy in these blocks.

Also, setting intentions for a goal-oriented New Moon can be useful. So write down your intentions for the coming lunar cycle, focusing on themes like enhancing health, improving efficiency, or developing new skills. Be detailed and specific about what you want to manifest. Remember that Virgo is all about Earth & Herbal magic: Connect with the earth element by grounding yourself in nature. Consider working with crystals like jade, citrine, or peridot to amplify your intentions for healing and growth. Also, you can harness the power of Virgo's association with herbs by creating potions, teas, or spell jars using herbs like lavender, chamomile, or rosemary for healing, purification, and focus.

Aspects of the New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces can bring a tension between the need for organization, practicality, and attention to detail (Virgo) and the desire for spiritual growth, compassion, and sensitivity (Pisces). This aspect may challenge you to find a balance between structure and intuition, discipline, and faith. It's a time to assess your commitments, responsibilities, and long-term goals in relation to your spiritual and emotional well-being. On the other hand, Mars trine Pluto signifies a harmonious aspect that can empower you to take transformative actions with determination and intensity. This aspect supports deep emotional healing, personal growth, and empowerment. You may feel more driven to pursue your ambitions and make meaningful changes in your life.

However, Mars square Neptune introduces a potential challenge as it can create confusion, deception, or unrealistic expectations in your actions and motivations. This aspect might cloud your judgment or lead to misunderstandings, so it's essential to stay grounded, maintain clarity, and avoid getting carried away by distractions or illusions.

In few words: During this New Moon in Virgo, it's important to navigate the opposing energies of practicality and spirituality, utilize the empowering Mars trine Pluto aspect for transformative actions, and be cautious of the potential confusion or misdirection brought by Mars square Neptune. Trust your intuition, stay focused on your goals, and be mindful of the energies at play to make the most of this lunar phase. Oh, and I almost forgot! Mercury stopped Retrograde few days ago!

Who needs to be careful?

👉 Although this New Moon can bring good advances in many zodiac signs, caution is needed by Gemini in their homes (although now Mercury direct can help you solve problems), Pisces in their relationships and partnerships (as your governor is squared by Mars) and Sagittarius in their professional life. Finally, Virgo actually should also be more careful as new energies may enter their lives but caution and filter is needed. Have you met any new people lately?

Who gets lucky in this New Moon?

👉 Of course Virgo, although this can be a tricky time, this is also a very important occasion to work through your demands and prioritize yourself and their needs. As your governor (Sun) forms this New Moon with supportive aspects, this can be a time for you to move forward and win!

👉 Taurus and Capricorn (less, as your governor - Saturn - opposes the New Moon). Activating their destiny and the joyful part of their lives, these two zodiac signs can expect many good news and powerful breakthroughs. Finally, Aries and Scorpio can get luckier during this phase as Mars and Pluto align, showing them a way to overcome their issues.

Let's proceed now with the predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs.


For Aries, the New Moon in Virgo occurring in the sixth solar house highlights themes related to health, work routines, and daily habits. This lunar phase encourages Aries to focus on optimizing their well-being, productivity, and organizational skills. It's a favorable time to embark on new fitness regimens, establish efficient work systems, and prioritize self-care practices… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


For Taurus, the New Moon in Virgo activating the fifth solar house brings focus to creativity, self-expression, and joy. This astrological event encourages Taurus to explore their artistic talents, engage in playful activities, and cultivate a sense of fun and excitement in their lives… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo occurring in the fourth solar house for Gemini brings attention to themes surrounding home, family, and emotional security. This lunar phase prompts Gemini to focus on creating a nurturing and harmonious domestic environment, establishing a sense of stability and comfort within their living space… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo taking place in the third solar house for Cancer emphasizes communication, learning, and community connections. During this lunar phase, Cancer is encouraged to focus on enhancing their communication skills, engaging in meaningful conversations, and seeking out opportunities for intellectual growth and expansion… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo occurring in the second solar house for Leo highlights themes related to finances, values, and self-worth. This lunar phase encourages Leo to focus on their financial goals, cultivate a sense of abundance and prosperity, and reassess their values and priorities when it comes to money and material possessions… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


For Virgo, the New Moon in their own zodiac sign marks a powerful time for new beginnings, self-discovery, and personal growth. This lunar phase offers Virgo the opportunity to set intentions for personal development, health, and well-being… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo occurring in the twelfth solar house for Libra brings a focus on spirituality, introspection, and inner growth. This lunar phase encourages Libra to explore their subconscious mind, connect with their spiritual beliefs, and delve into deeper contemplation and meditation practices… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo taking place in the eleventh solar house for Scorpio highlights themes related to friendships, social connections, and future aspirations. This lunar phase encourages Scorpio to focus on building supportive relationships, connecting with like-minded individuals, and collaborating on shared goals and dreams… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo occurring in the tenth solar house for Sagittarius highlights themes related to career, ambitions, and public recognition. This lunar phase encourages Sagittarius to focus on their professional goals, leadership skills, and reputation in the public sphere… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo occurring in the ninth solar house for Capricorn emphasizes themes related to higher learning, travel, and philosophical exploration. This lunar phase encourages Capricorn to expand their horizons, seek out new experiences, and pursue knowledge and wisdom in various forms… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo occurring in the eighth solar house for Aquarius highlights themes related to transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. This lunar phase encourages Aquarius to delve deep into their emotional depths, address issues related to trust and vulnerability, and embark on a journey of personal and spiritual transformation… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The New Moon in Virgo occurring in the seventh solar house for Pisces highlights themes related to partnerships, relationships, and one-on-one connections. This lunar phase encourages Pisces to focus on their interpersonal dynamics, collaboration, and communication with others… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign

A witchy Ritual for the New Moon in Virgo

For a witchy ritual during the New Moon in Virgo to revitalize and alchemize your energy, begin by cleansing your sacred space with sage or palo santo to purify the environment. Set up a small altar with earthy elements like crystals, herbs, and candles in shades of green and brown to connect with Virgo's grounding energy. Light a green candle to represent growth and healing, and meditate on your intentions to revitalize and transform your energy.

Next, engage in a simple visualization exercise where you imagine yourself surrounded by a healing green light, absorbing its rejuvenating power into every cell of your being. Envision any stagnant energy being released and transformed into vibrant, revitalized energy that aligns with your highest potential. End the ritual by expressing gratitude to the universe, extinguishing the candle, and carrying the revitalized energy with you as you move forward with confidence and renewed vitality.