Tonight: rare Super Blue Full Moon

8 Zodiac Signs need to be careful

After 40 year, in June 21st 2024 happened right on Solstice in the first degree of Capricorn. But that was only the beginning of a series of "Blue Moon" events. So, the previous Full Moon, occurring in the last degree of Capricorn concluded what happened two months ago, adding so much spice and magic in this - already too explosive - celestial potion. The second full moon is called Blue Moon and it occurs at the anuretic, 29th degree of Capricorn aligning perfectly with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius. Well, this is where troubles and wonders began, and tonight, this is when energies reach their peak! Ready?

Super Blue Moon in Aquarius

Yet, although there was one blue moon, one month ago (because it happened in the same Zodiac Sign) almanacs consider the August Super Full Moon, also a blue moon as it's the forth of the season. So, based on Mr. LaFleur's "Sky&Telescope" article from July 1943:

Two months ago Full Moon, happening right on the cornerstone of Sabbats, the peak of Fire and Light in the Northern hemisphere, and the peak of Earth and Shadow in the Southern hemisphere, initiated an unprecedented change. We've seen this in many way. Elections in France, UK changed entirely the political scenery and of course in the USA the course of the elections will never be the same after the recent events. We see it all around us. No matter what we believe in. This is a collective experience.

But this Super Blue Full Moon will take this realm to another realm.

Venus opposes Saturn and together they both square Jupiter. Well, this is really intense. So, both Venus and Saturn don't feel right in their current placements, simultaneously falling into these zodiac signs. This creates a cosmic imbalance. Well, we all see it around us don't we. Now, Jupiter joins the dance, in a accurate aspect, right at the time of the Full Moon, showing us the lessons we need to absorb during this face. This ain't gonna be easy. But yes, this seems to be extremely magical opportunity.

Blue Moon magic

The Blue Moon holds double the potency of the other Full Moon’s in the year, so if you are looking for long term results, cast spells, or make wishes during a Blue Moon. Here (x), you can find a wish spell designed to be multiplied during a Blue Moon. 

August Super Blue Full Moon Magic

As written in all-time-classic "August Full Moon" article: There is a great deal of magic traditions concerning the August Full Moon, at least on the Northern Hemisphere. Amongst them, there is the belief that during the night of this Full Moon, one can initiate contact with the Kingdom of Fairies and Elves....

So, this is also, a great opportunity to both use this Full Moon as a blue Moon but also a powerful opportunity to initiate contact with the Realm of the Fairies!

Who needs to be careful?

πŸ‘‰ Caution is needed by Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio (these are the sings that are primarily influenced) yet also Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (as planets based on your mutable cross - receive rough influences). All these signs may find themselves drenched dealing with new realizations. Actually, these new facts may act benevolently in their lives - but at first it might seem odd or even challenging.

  • We decided not to include signs who are favored this time - as energies can be really rough and we all need to pay attention. No, this Full Moon is probably won't be something terrible so there is no need to panic. But, despite the alluring influences of some planetary energies, realization can be tough. So please, everyone, proceed with caution - not fear and perfectionism - but common sense. Just don't let impulses overthrown your rational way of thinking.

Let's proceed now with the predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs.


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Aries may find themselves navigating intense energy in their 11th house, focusing on friendships, social groups, and long-term goals. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there is a sense of cosmic imbalance that may challenge the way Aries relates to others and their aspirations… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Taurus may experience powerful energies in their 10th house, highlighting themes related to career, reputation, and public image. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of tension and challenge surrounding Taurus' professional life and ambitions… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Gemini may feel the intense energy concentrated in their 9th house, emphasizing higher learning, travel, and philosophical exploration. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of imbalance and tension regarding Gemini's beliefs, ideals, and sense of purpose… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Cancer may encounter intense energies in their 8th house, highlighting themes of transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of cosmic imbalance and challenge in Cancer's emotional depth and interactions with others on a deep level… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Leo may feel the intense energies focused on their 7th house, emphasizing partnerships, relationships, and one-on-one connections. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of imbalance and tension in Leo's approach to collaboration and commitment… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Virgo may encounter intense energies in their 6th house, highlighting themes of health, work, and daily routines. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of cosmic imbalance and challenge in Virgo's approach to self-care, productivity, and service to others… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Libra may experience intense energies in their 5th house, emphasizing creativity, self-expression, and romance. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of cosmic imbalance and tension in Libra's approach to pleasure, passion, and personal pursuits… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Scorpio may navigate intense energies in their 4th house, highlighting themes of home, family, and emotional security. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of cosmic imbalance and challenge in Scorpio's domestic life, roots, and inner stability… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Sagittarius may feel the intense energies concentrated in their 3rd house, emphasizing communication, learning, and local interactions. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of imbalance and tension in Sagittarius' mental pursuits, relationships with siblings or neighbors, and daily exchanges… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Capricorn may encounter intense energies in their 2nd house, highlighting themes of values, finances, and self-worth. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of cosmic imbalance and challenge in Capricorn's material possessions, resources, and personal values… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, individuals born under the sign of Aquarius may experience the intense energies directly affecting their own sign. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of cosmic imbalance and challenge in Aquarius' personal identity, self-expression, and goals… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During this super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius, Pisces may navigate intense energies in their 12th house, highlighting themes of spirituality, subconscious patterns, and solitude. With Venus opposing Saturn and both squaring Jupiter, there may be a sense of cosmic imbalance and challenge in Pisces' inner world, dreams, and hidden emotions… πŸ‘‰ click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign