Solar Eclipse - New Moon in Libra: October 2 2024, a New Road is unveiled

4 Zodiac Signs are favoured - 4 should be more careful

When the Sun and Moon come together in a conjunction, it signifies the completion of one phase and the beginning of a new 28-day cycle. Yet, this celestial alignment ushers in a wave of even more powerfully renewed energy and inspiration, encouraging initiative and forward momentum. For this is not Just a New Moon in Libra, but also a Lunar Eclipse.

Solar Eclipse - New Moon in Libra: October 2 2024, a New Road is unveiled

So, this new moon and solar eclipse in Libra can bring about significant changes related to relationships, balance, harmony, and partnerships. Furthermore, in a magical point of view, this celestial event may highlight areas where we need to find harmony and achieve balance in our lives, particularly in our close relationships. What witches know for centuries is that Eclipses are known for bringing sudden and unexpected disruptions or revelations, so it's a good time to reflect on how we can bring more balance and fairness into our interactions with others. It's also a great time to set intentions for creating healthier relationships and finding a sense of peace and equilibrium in our lives.

So please make sure you remember that this event can prompt us to reassess our partnerships, whether they be romantic, familial, or professional, and make necessary adjustments to ensure they are mutually beneficial and supportive. It may also encourage us to focus on self-care and personal growth in order to create more fulfilling connections with others.

New Moon in Libra for Witches

For witches and practitioners of the Craft, the new moon and solar eclipse in Libra can be a potent and transformative time for spellwork, rituals, and - of course - manifestation. The energy of this celestial event can amplify the intentions we set and the magic we work, making it a powerful opportunity to focus on matters related to balance, relationships, and harmony.

What Witches do:

Witches choose to perform rituals or spells that align with the energies of Libra, such as spells for creating harmony in relationships, fostering balance in one's life, or enhancing beauty and aesthetics. This can also be a good time for spells related to justice, fairness, and creating peace in conflicts.

Ask and you will Receive

Since eclipses are known for their intensity and ability to bring about change, witches may want to use this time to release what no longer serves them and make room for new beginnings. Shadow work, meditation, and divination practices can be especially potent during this period to help navigate the shifts and transformations that may arise.

What to ask tomorrow to your heart:

  • Am I in balance with myself?

  • Does my heart feel ok with everything around? My home? What about my relationships? Or more importantly my self?

If you 'detect' any blocks, meditate on them and shed light and energy in these blocks.

Aspects of the New Moon in Libra

During the solar eclipse, the harmonious trine between Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces encourages us to take disciplined and productive action grounded in emotional sensitivity and spiritual wisdom. This alignment supports us in establishing healthy boundaries, committing to long-term goals, and building a solid foundation for growth with patience and perseverance. It invites us to blend the energies of Mars' nurturing and protective qualities with Saturn's structure and responsibility, facilitating a balanced approach to achieving our aspirations through intentional and empathetic action. It's a favorable time for working on projects, embracing self-discipline, and cultivating emotional security, utilizing the supportive energy of this celestial event to propel us towards personal transformation and success.

In few days also, Pluto will end his retrograde course but at the same time Jupiter will start his. So, this is a very important time for energy shifts. However, due to the energy of the Solar Eclipse and the stationary aspect of Pluto and Jupiter, it may bring a sudden and shocking shift in our consciousness - a major event that will make us wonder the future of the world. Hopefully, Mercury in Libra will help with negotiations and diplomacy.

Who needs to be careful?

👉 Although this New Moon can bring good advances in many zodiac signs, caution is needed by Cancer in their homes, Aries in their relationships and partnerships and Capricorn in their professional life (although this is the sign that also can also get sudden and surprising gifts). Finally, although this New Moon can bring positive news for Libra, you should also be careful as this energy cannot be easily manageable.

Who gets lucky in this New Moon?

👉 Of course Libra, although this can be a tricky time, this is also a very important occasion to work through your demands and prioritize yourself and their needs.

👉 Gemini and Aquarius. Activating their destiny and the joyful part of their lives, these two zodiac signs can expect many good news and powerful breakthroughs. Finally, Scorpio

Let's proceed now with the predictions for ALL Zodiac Signs.


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 7th solar house of Aries on October 2 herald a significant period focused on relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. This celestial event may bring about new beginnings or transformations in how we relate to others, encouraging us to seek balance, harmony, and mutual understanding in our interactions. … 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 6th solar house of Taurus on October 2 bring a period focused on health, daily routines, work environment, and service to others. This celestial event signals a time for Taurus to assess their habits, make adjustments to their workplace dynamics, prioritize self-care practices, and find meaningful ways to contribute to the well-being of those around them… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 5th house of Gemini on October 2 bring a focus on creativity, self-expression, romance, hobbies, and children. This celestial event signals a period of potential new beginnings in areas related to artistic pursuits, recreational activities, and matters of the heart for Gemini. The eclipse may inspire Gemini to explore different forms of self-expression, ignite passion in romantic relationships, and spark creativity in projects that bring joy and fulfillment… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 4th house of Cancer herald a transformative period focused on home, family, emotional foundations, and inner security. This celestial event signifies a time for Cancer to evaluate their roots, nurture their emotional well-being, and create a sense of stability and comfort in their personal space… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 3rd house of Leo bring a period of focus on communication, learning, siblings, local community, and short-distance travel. This celestial event signals a time for Leo to engage in intellectual pursuits, improve their communication skills, and connect with their immediate environment. The eclipse may prompt Leo to explore new forms of self-expression, engage in meaningful conversations with siblings or neighbors, and embark on short journeys that stimulate their mind and curiosity… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 2nd house of Virgo focus on matters related to finances, values, self-worth, and material possessions. This celestial event signals a period of reflection for Virgo, prompting them to review their financial situation, reassess their priorities, and consider their sense of self-worth… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


A new moon and solar eclipse in Libra, occurring in their own zodiac sign, signifies a powerful and transformative period for individuals born under this sign. This celestial event shines a spotlight on themes of balance, relationships, harmony, and personal growth. Libras may experience significant shifts in their approach to relationships, seeking greater harmony and fairness in their interactions with others… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 12th house of Scorpio bring a period of introspection, spiritual growth, subconscious exploration, and closure. This celestial event signifies a time for Scorpio to delve deep into their inner world, confront subconscious patterns, and release what no longer serves their highest good… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The new moon and solar eclipse in the 11th house of Sagittarius bring a period of focus on friendships, social connections, community involvement, and future aspirations. This celestial event signifies a time for Sagittarius to evaluate their social circle, explore their role within their community, and set intentions for their long-term goals and dreams… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


The upcoming new moon - solar eclipse in Libra on October 2 will influence the career sector for those with Capricorn placements in their 10th solar house. This celestial event may bring opportunities for advancement and recognition in the professional realm… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


During the new moon - solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, Aquarians with placements in their 9th solar house may experience a focus on expanding their horizons and seeking new opportunities for growth… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With the new moon - solar eclipse in Libra occurring on October 2, Pisceans with placements in their 8th solar house may experience a focus on transformation and deep introspection. The alignment of Mars in Cancer forming a harmonious trine with Saturn in Pisces during the eclipse could bring opportunities for Pisceans to harness their inner strength and determination to address underlying emotional or financial matters… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign