TONIGHT: Uranus Retrograde till January 2024!

the planet of changes prepares us for life turning events

Retrograde Uranus ? On August Uranus will enter Retrograde and this will last until January, and this means his effects are going to play a part in our lives the latter half of the year.

When Retrograde Uranus, expect great awakenings. This giant of an ice planet is the ruler of rebellion, freedom and change. Some planets hold a gentle and beneficial retrograde phase, when Retrograde Uranus, we have no such luck, it's forceful an...d very abrupt. It will not capitulate until we face the changes that are needed in our life, there is no time-outs, or rest, it will make us see what isn't working, and will make us face it, whether we are ready for change or not.

What to Expect in Retrograde Uranus

It will make us seek answers, answers to questions we may not realised we wanted to ask. Uranus in Retrogrades energy can build and build until it feels like the only option is an explosion of energy, it can be quite hard to navigate through.

There isn't an area of our life that remains untouched by Retrograde Uranus, barriers and walls will fall and we have to face everything that we're putting off. The restrictions we normally adhere to will be obliterated, gone. Nothing is out of bounds.

The Retrograde phase of Uranus is may look at the patterns of our life, and we can look into the things we have done, the lessons we have learned that seem to be repeating over and over. Your curiosity won't be satisfied until you fully understand their purpose. The phrase "(s)he's like a dog with a bone" comes to mind.

No Excuses with Retrograde Uranus

There are no more excuses with this planet's retrograde phase. We will be forced to see what we have allowed in our life, and why you keep allowing it. We can "fake" that we are okay in the surface but deep down, we know something is very wrong....this is what we will be forced to come face to face with, and Uranus won't relent.

With the destructive powers of Retrograde Uranus, we can begin to take account and rebuild our lives. Just because we have become comfortable with life, doesn't mean it is healthy, or that it is right. It's time to embrace the drastic transformations that can come with this Retrograde. We shouldn't let this opportunity pass us by. We have the chance to make the great changes, and to seek truths and understandings that have long eluded us. We all make mistakes, we are all made of darkness and light, he'll we all mess up from time to time, but there is no need to fear these things, they are part of our living truth.

What to Do in Retrograde Uranus

It's time to make a U-turn and reflect, then start the journey again, with the knowledge of what happens before. There is a great wisdom in making mistakes, because you know what can go wrong, and you can change it on the second run.

It may feel unnatural and uncomfortable right off the bat, but it won't be that way forever.

Finding your inner truth, it takes time, and a lot of dreaming hard work. It can throw you curveball after curveball and it can be relentless, but it is worth all the pain, the late and sleepless nights, the confusion and the fear.

It does get easier.... Once you have found the path your feet are destined to follow.

)0( Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings )0(

Aries: Change your Value System

This is not an easy position for Uranus. For the next 7-8 years, the planet of changes will alter your value system. What is important for you right now, may later be dismissed as useless... Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Taurus: Awakening Time

Uranus is called the planet of changes but also he has the reputation of the Awakener. Right now, he works on making you more confident and free. With Uranus by your side you will understand how important it is for you to be free from everyone and everything that keeps you behind… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Gemini: A peculiar Time

With Uranus messing with your unconscious I can only promise you that you won't get bored. The planet of changes is working with your subliminal stimuli, trying to change the way you instinctively process each information… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Cancer: New Horizons

There were 9 years of intense changes in your professional life. Thankfully that's over. Now, Uranus moves towards a much more auspicious position, helping you broaden your social horizons… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Leo: Career Paths

This is a new era for your life as the Planet of Changes affects a very important part of your life - your career. For the next 8 years your professional life will not feel stable at all… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Virgo: A New Era in Life

There was some pretty peculiar years, those last 9, right? Well, you've undergone a 'transformation' face my dear. Many things changed. Now things seem so much different since this began in 2010… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Libra: Rebirth from your ashes

You've been so much, especially regarding your relationships, both personal and professional. You've also faced some serious legal matters, but you've made it through… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Scorpio: You are not alone!

The past nine years were truly unpredictable regarding your daily schedule. Ever changing environments, changing places, means of transportation or even jobs! Well now this is over… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Sagittarius: Nothing stays the same!

A new era in your life has just begun! The thing is that no one can predict how each day will go with Uranus influencing your sixth solar house. Therefore, you may find yourself changing in a very intense way.. Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Capricorn: Smile!

The new position of Uranus promises a new era in your life with many thrilling experiences. For the next eight years you will discover new - unexpected ways, that can bring joy to your life… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Aquarius: Home is where your heart is!

This is probably a challenging time for you dear Aquarius, as your governor's new position will shake the 'roots' of your home. However, don't panic because this can actually be a very good opportunity for you to make things better in a troubled part of your life.. Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.

Pisces: Creativity Boost

Well, we've got news for your dear Pisces. This is actually a very interesting new time of your life. Your mind works overtime and new ideas are stuck in your brain… Read the Predictions of Uranus Retrograde for your Zodiac Sign here.