Venus in Leo: July 11/12 - August 4 2024

great news for 4 Zodiac Signs

Tonight's magical transition of Venus from Cancer to Leo signifies a shift from the watery and emotive nature of Cancer to a fiery and expansive qualities of Leo. If there is a sign which symbolizes divine rulership and royal qualities well this is sign. And guess what. Goddess of love (who's symbol is also the Lion) feels somehow overwhelmed by adornment and affection. This is a transit to feel like you're on the top of the world, loved, adorned and enchanting.

Love is fabulous

Venus in Leo approaches romantic relationships and finances with a sense of awe and pride. When we live under this transit, we are willing to take calculated risks when investing money because we may get luckier but we still need to be cautious as this sense of awe may cloud our judgement. Also and as we would do practically anything for love (and our partners) we should also be mindful of impulsive spending. It's advisable to establish a budget and monitor expenses closely.

👉 Who is Venus? She is the Great Goddess. The Love bringer. Also, Peace-maker, deal-binder, money-magnet. She is all of these and so much more. Aphrodite, the goddess of love is not someone to mess with. After all, her sacred animal is a lion! Let's dive into Venus who will join the crab of the deep oceans from June 17 till July 11 2024.

Predictions for the World

So, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters Leo from July 11 to August 4, it brings a flair for dramatic expression, creativity, and passion to the world. This period may see a focus on individuality, luxury, and self-expression, with people feeling more confident and enthusiastic about showcasing their talents and desires. Relationships may be filled with romance, grand gestures, and a desire for admiration, leading to displays of affection and generosity. Financial investments in areas related to entertainment, luxury goods, and creative pursuits could see a boost during this time. However, there is also a potential for ego clashes and a tendency towards extravagance or overindulgence, so it's important for individuals to maintain balance and not let vanity or pride take over.

Days to look for:

  • July 12 2024: Venus opposes Pluto making our emotions naked and truthful.

  • July 19 2024: Venus trines North Node making it a karmic day of luck and magic!

  • July 21 2024: Venus sextiles Jupiter bringing a divine intervention - solutions and abundance.

  • August 2 2024: Venus squares Uranus urging us to break free from toxic relationships

Mercury and Venus in Leo: July 11 - August 4 2024

👉 In few words: The shift from Cancer to Leo is a powerful shift towards expression and amusement. During Venus in Leo, expect a time of heightened creativity, passion, and romance, with a focus on self-expression, luxury, and dramatic gestures. Ego clashes and extravagance may also be prominent, so balance is key.

Who's favored by Venus and Mercury in Leo?

  • ALL will receive a gift this month. But some signs will be extra favored.

  • Staring with Leo, Venus brings all kinds of blessings to you. Love, friends, peace, money and possible lovers are all attracted to you. However, this attraction can also become a magnet for people who may try to drain your energy.

  • Aries and Sagittarius also receive powerful blessings during this transit. At the same time, this is a favorable shift for Libra, cause they've been feeling a bit off lately. Thankfully this shift helps them find themselves.

Who needs to be more careful by Venus in Leo?

  • During this transition of Venus into Leo, Aquarius may need to prioritize nurturing their relationships with heightened sensitivity, Taurus should pay closer attention to matters related to their home and family life for emotional stability, and Scorpio may find themselves needing to navigate emotional dynamics in their professional relationships with greater care. Howecer, each sign can benefit from being mindful of these specific areas during this period to enhance their overall well-being and interpersonal connections.

Goddess's Gift to Each Zodiac Sign for this month!

Now let's proceed with the predictions to each zodiac sign. How will Venus bless the Signs?


With Venus in Leo in their 5th solar house, Aries may experience a boost in creativity, passion, and romance in their personal life. They are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about expressing themselves authentically and indulging in activities that bring them joy… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 4th solar house, Taurus may find increased harmony and pleasure within their home and family life. They might feel a strong desire to beautify their living space or spend time with loved ones, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Taurus may also experience a deeper emotional connection with their family members, showcasing their nurturing side and enjoying sentimental moments… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 3rd solar house, Gemini may feel a surge of creativity and communication skills. They could find joy in expressing themselves through writing, speaking, or engaging in stimulating conversations with others. This period may bring opportunities for Gemini to showcase their wit, charm, and intelligence, making interactions with siblings, neighbors, and colleagues more enjoyable and harmonious… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 2nd solar house, Cancer may experience a heightened focus on their values, self-worth, and financial matters. They may feel a strong desire for luxury, comfort, and beauty in their material possessions, leading to potential indulgence in shopping or treating themselves to enjoyable experiences… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their own zodiac sign, Leos can expect a period of increased charisma, confidence, and magnetism. This alignment enhances their natural charm, creativity, and leadership qualities, making them even more attractive to others. Leos may feel a strong desire to express themselves boldly, pursue their passions, and seek out experiences that bring joy and pleasure… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 12th solar house, Virgo may experience a period of introspection, creativity, and spiritual growth. This alignment urges Virgos to explore their inner world, connect with their subconscious desires, and seek moments of solitude and reflection. They may feel drawn to artistic or mystical pursuits that allow them to express their emotions and tap into their intuition… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 11th solar house, Libra may experience a period of socializing, creativity, and collaboration within their friendships and community networks. This alignment encourages Libras to connect with like-minded individuals, participate in group activities, and pursue their aspirations with enthusiasm and flair… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 10th solar house, Scorpio may experience a period of career advancement, recognition, and increased creativity in their professional life. This alignment brings a focus on ambition, leadership, and public image, prompting Scorpios to showcase their talents, charm, and artistic flair in their work… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 9th solar house, Sagittarius may experience a period of exploration, expansion, and adventure in areas related to travel, higher learning, and philosophical pursuits. This alignment encourages Sagittarius to seek out new experiences, broaden their horizons, and embrace a sense of freedom and independence… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 8th solar house, Capricorn may experience a period of intense emotions, transformation, and deep connections in matters related to shared resources, intimacy, and personal growth. This alignment prompts Capricorn to delve into their innermost desires, confront hidden truths, and seek intimacy and authenticity in their relationships… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 7th solar house, Aquarius may experience a period of enhanced relationships, partnerships, and harmony in their one-on-one connections. This alignment encourages Aquarius to focus on collaboration, compromise, and shared experiences with others, particularly in romantic, business, or close personal relationships… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign


With Venus in Leo in their 6th solar house, Pisces may experience a period of creativity, service, and well-being in their daily routines and work life. This alignment encourages Pisces to infuse their tasks and responsibilities with beauty, compassion, and enthusiasm, making their work environment more enjoyable and fulfilling… 👉 click here (x) to read the complete predictions for Your Zodiac Sign